Monday, April 14, 2014

Casey Gets Fit: Week 7

Current Weight: 158.8 (down 6.2 lbs overall)
BMI: 24.9

Woohoo! My BMI is now considered in the "normal weight range"! That is pretty exciting :) 

This week was tough. I lost 2.2lbs, but it wasn't through any sort of crazy dieting or exercise. It was stress. Holy Moly did stress take a toll on me this week. It was just one of those weeks where everything went wrong at work. I won't get into details. I lost my appetite from it all, but I was still eating around the same calories so I don't think I lost the weight from not eating! Just stress itself...eating away at Casey.

However by Thursday/Friday the stress had dissipated somewhat and I actually found it hard to not overeat once my appetite comes back. Kind of how you can lose a lot of weight with the stomach flu, but once you are better all you want to do is eat! I was also pretty good with exercise this week too- no strength workout but I ran about 25km over the course of the week (10K last Sunday, 5K on Mon, Thurs, Sat). Getting geared up for my 10K run in only a month!

I've got to say, while I am super happy to being pretty close to 1lbs weight loss per week (my goal), it is sure isn't easy some days! I am learning a lot about portion control and how much I actually need to eat in a meal or a snack. I am also getting pretty good and not eating things that aren't delicious (like a snack that I thought would be yummers...but isn't...I just don't finish it!)

But I am getting so much better and learning that I can actually survive on UNDER 1400 calories if I am eating lots of healthy, filling foods. There really is no secret to weight loss except to eat less and move more. Calorie counting has been the bees knees for me to be able to stay on track, because even fruit adds up fast on the ol' intake list! I also signed up for two 10Ks and a 15K this summer (WHO AM I??) and those goals ensure that I am getting up and moving at least every other day. And I try not to eat more on workout days because really, you do not burn a lot of calories in a 5K. Sorry. It's true :(

So I am going to leave you today and celebrate my 6.2lbs weight loss...with a coke zero and a 8K run. Le sigh.

Today's Pump You Up Song: Push Push by Kat Deluna


  1. Congrats on all your progress! I've been trying to get into running but my knees may have something else to say about it - and to be honest, I had been doing a run/walk combo and it was slower than my actually walking :)

    1. Baby steps! You gotta work your way up to running longer times!! And get your feet checked out- I had arch issues that improved when I got the right shoes for my feet

  2. Go Casey! I'm so impressed with your motivation to move, that's where I'm lacking. I want to get back to running but I have to get my heart checked out first. And yay for being in the "normal" BMI range! I'm getting close to that point myself, just the other end of the spectrum.


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